Interviewee: Ph.D. Travis DeWolf, Co-Founder of Autonomous Systems Lead, and Senior Research Scientist Applied Brain Research, Canada
Keywords: Remote work, Virtual teams, Management
An Interview with Ph.D. Travis DeWolf Regarding the Enhancement of Remote Work
Interviewers: Victoria Gálvez, Flavia Cáceres, Pablo López, Javier Huamán
Interviewers: Flavia Cáceres, Victoria Gálvez, Pablo López, Andrés Delgado, and Andrea Cañizares
Interviewee: Ph.D. Insaf Khelladi, Associate Professor from École de Management Léonard de Vinci, France, Ph.D. Mehmet Orhan, Associate Professor from Normandie Business School, France, and Ph.D. Sylvaine Castellano, Dean of Research from Normandie Business School, France
Keywords: Remote work, Communication, Leadership, Management
An Interview with Ph.D. Insaf Khelladi, Ph.D. Mehmet Orhand and Ph.D. Sylvaine Castellano regarding the Impact of Self-Leadership and Shared Leadership on the Performance of Virtual Teams
Interviewee: Ph.D. Ella Glikson, Lecturer at the Graduate School of Business Administration from Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Interviewers: Flavia Cáceres, Victoria Gálvez, Pablo López, Andrés Delgado, and Andrea Cañizares
Keywords: Remote work, Virtual teams, Management
An Interview with Ph.D. Ella Glikson regarding Visualized Automatic Feedback in Virtual Teams
Interviewee: Matthew Zenkteler, Ph.D. student at Queensland University of Technology and Principal Regional Planner at Gold Coast City Council, Australia
Interviewers: Flavia Cáceres, Victoria Gálvez, Pablo López, Andrés Delgado
Keywords: Remote work, Virtual teams, Management
An Interview with Matthew Zenkteler regarding The Role of Residential Suburbs in the Knowledge Economy: Insights from a Design Charrette into Nomadic and Remote Work Practices
Interviewee: Ph.D. Matthew Clancy, Assistant Teaching Professor of the Department of Economics from Iowa State University of Science and Technology, USA
Interviewers: Flavia Cáceres, Andres Delgado, Victoria Gálvez, and Pablo López
Keywords: Remote work, Virtual teams, Management
An Interview with Ph.D. Matthew Clancy regarding The Case for Remote Work
Interviewee: Ph.D. Sarah Morrison-Smith, Roman Family Teaching and Research Fellow from Barnard College, USA
Interviewers: Flavia Cáceres, Victoria Gálvez, and Pablo López
Keywords: Remote work, Virtual teams, Management
An Interview with Ph.D. Sarah Morrison-Smith regarding Challenges and Barriers in Virtual Teams
Interviewee: Ph.D. Alfredo Jiménez, Global Team Expert from KEDGE Business School, France
An Interview with Ph.D. Alfredo Jiménez regarding Working Across Boundaries: Current and Future Perspectives on Global Virtual Teams
Keywords: Remote work, Human resource management
Interviewers: Flavia Cáceres, Victoria Gálvez, and Pablo López